Wednesday, June 20, 2012
1 Timothy 2:1-4
By: Sis. Lilia A. Cabatbat
 When Paul wrote his first letter to Timothy, persecution was a growing threat to believers. When Emperor Nero needed a scapegoat for the great fire that destroyed much of Rome, he blamed the Roman Christians so as to take the focus off him. The persecution erupted throughout the Roman Empire, so not only Christians had been denied certain privileges in society, but some were even publicly butchered, burned or fed to wild animals. Paul’s command to pray for kings was remarkable considering that Nero, a notorious cruel ruler, was emperor at this time.
1.       IT’S A COMMAND
1 Timothy 2:1-2a
Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority.
The command is for God’s people to be engaged in the work of prayer. JEREMIAH 33:3 says, “Call to me and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.” Praise the Lord! God has given us His direct line, wherein we can call Him anytime 24/7, with the promise that He will answer us. Hope it encourages us to pray more, knowing that our God always hears us when we call on Him, as we pray in line with His will.
Although God is all powerful and all knowing, He has chosen us to change the hearts of men, kings and all in authorities through our prayers. And what a privilege to be in God’s presence, praying and interceding for these people.
When it comes to prayer people often put their own needs first instead of doing what the Bible says to pray first for others. For whatever reason, I don’t know. If it’s because of lack of knowledge, I thank God He never fail to remind us.
As God’s children we can do something for the destiny of our nation. For example: It’s a fact that the Philippines is one of the most corrupt countries in Asia. Will you continue to believe that the Philippines will always be a corrupt and poor country? I personally refused to believe the devil’s report cause I know, as I pray, God will heal our land and the people, as He promised in His WORD that “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turned away from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 CHRONICLES 7:14. Amen!
Our God is the God of Hope, regardless of the present condition of our country. He is able to change, restore and heal our land, as we pray and believe that God is doing miraculous things beyond what we’ve ask or imagine. EPHESIANS 3:20, Amen! Also, the Church’s prayer for the world and recognition of the authority of the state are fundamental for the church evangelistic mission, for as we know “all evangelism must begin with prayer.” Therefore, we must be persistent in our intercession. “PUSH” means: P-ray U-ntil S-omething H-appens, for we know that our God is Faithful. Amen! Kaya mga kapatid, if you are not praying, then don’t expect anything good to happen. Kung wala kayong tinanim, definitely wala kayong aanihin, as simple as that!  Remember God’s principle of sowing and reaping.
Did we ever consider the current state of problems in nations today? Does it move us to pray for those people in authorities, or does it cause us to criticize and make fun of them? Be reminded that no authority placed in position except that which God has established, Romans 13:1. And if you are criticizing and making fun of them, you are doing it to God, because it is He who placed them there. So stop criticizing our boss, our pastors, leaders & authorities instead pray for them that the Lord may grant them wisdom and grace.
Leaders make critical decisions where there is much at stake, they can be influenced by negative spiritual forces, and that their wrong decisions can be hurtful and costly.  
Hope we can see the importance of interceding for all our leaders and authorities. Remember that as we pray, we invite God into the situation we pray about. Amen.
1 Timothy 2:2b.    That we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.
  a) It leads to a peaceful life.
In the beginning, it is God’s original plan for His people to take responsibility and have dominion over all the affairs of the earth, Genesis 1:28. But when Adam sinned he handed that power over to Satan. By default, Satan became the god of this world, he became in charge, that’s why the world now is in chaos, the morals and values of peoples are upside down as we can see and hear in the news. Praise God when we became born again, we became a co -heirs of Jesus & God has given us back the power and authority to take charge  of every affairs of the earth, to bind every schemes & demolish every stronghold of Satan over the hearts and minds of every leaders and authorities. Indeed, as we pray nations would be at peace and it’s important so that the Gospel can go forward unhindered.
  b) It leads to a powerful life.
As we are allowed to live out our faith, we are given the opportunity for God’s Light to shine in us. God call us, the salt of the earth, so we act as a preserving force in the earth and help manifest God’s plan and purpose.
1 Timothy 2: 3-4
For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. 4 Who desires all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.
Truly as we pray there are results that are worth the price of diligence and worth all the effort.
  a) The savior will be exalted.
      When all men are prayed for, when peace reigns and when believers are living lives that point to God, God is exalted.
  b) The sinner will be evangelized.
      When we pray God sent His Holy Spirit to bring conviction in the hearts of men and as we live our life as we should, we become partner with God in the salvation of the lost.
So, Why Must We Pray then? Because:
I. It’s a command
   To first of all, pray for all who are in authority. So I hope from this on when you pray please do always remember them.
II. Spiritual Reasons
    a) It leads to a peaceful life that the Gospel can go forward unhindered.
    b) It leads to a powerful life by giving us the opportunity to let His Light shine through us for His glory.
III. Spiritual Results
    a) God will be exalted.
    b) Sinners will be evangelized.
Therefore, let us do what we are commanded to do, that is to Pray, Walk with God in obedience to His Word and Share the message.
There are many leaders and authorities who need our prayers. Let us do our part to make change happen with God’s divine intervention. The church need to take their responsibility for the spiritual  climate of nations. We really have to pray and intercede for all authorities in the government, in our workplaces, in our church and in our homes, that they may exercise justice, integrity, transparency and honesty, and  that they may rule with the fear of the Lord and with Godly principle in their hearts.
Let us pray that God will touch the hearts of the authorities of every nations that favor be granted to missionaries, that there is freedom for the Gospel to be freely proclaimed to places where it has not been before and the stronghold of spiritual resistance, religiosity and self righteousness be broken down by the power of the blood and of the Name of Jesus. Amen.
My prayer is that the church will truly know their identity in Christ and the authority they have in Him, that they may rise up in power and victory through the power of God’s Holy Spirit. Amen!

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