Wanted: Christ's Ambassadors by: Bro. Kevin de Guzman

Saturday, October 22, 2011
2 Corinthians 5:12 – 6:18

I was watching the television when I saw Angelina Jolie, the actress helping unprivileged children from Thailand. As a matter of fact she herself has an adopted child of Thai descent. I do not know if it has something to do with the other fact, that she is UNESCO’s ambassador of goodwill to Thailand. Is fame and beauty the new basis for choosing an ambassador?

Nowadays, the term ambassador is underrated. It has lost its potency. The word ambassador literally means a representative. According to Wikipedia, an ambassador is a diplomatic official of the highest rank sent by one sovereign or state to another as its representative. An ambassador is a person with an honorable and good reputation. The ambassador represents the organization or country that sent him. He reflects his senders’ image. Would anyone want someone to represent them who is notorious and evil?

2 Cor 5:20
Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.

The word ambassador came from the Greek word presbeuō, meaning a senior, to act as a representative, figuratively, a preacher. In this context, Paul was telling the believers in Corinth who had become lax and stagnant, what their role is as Christians. He clearly tells the church that they are Christ’s ambassadors. That when they tell the people “come back to God!!!”, it is like they are quoting the exact words from God himself.

Paul wanted to remind the church in Corinth of their purpose and warn them against false ministers. Some believers in Corinth had lost track of the heart of their ministry. They were bragging about how spectacular their ministry was. They have lost their sincerity and heart on the ministry. (2 Cor 5:12). Paul said that, their actions should be motivated by the love they received from God. This love would constrain them to some causes of their actions and will direct them on what ought to be done (verses 13-14).

It is like Paul is telling them “Who else do you think are the ambassadors of Christ?! You are!!! Because he died for us, we are also dead to our old life; he took humanity’s sin all at once. That makes us brand new people. We have a fresh start!!!” (Verses 15 – 17). But it does not stop on reconciliation with God thru Jesus. We need to share what we have received. If we answered to His call, then let us also call others towards Him. As ambassadors, we speak for God. We become echoes of His call for reconciliation.

What do we need to keep in mind and instill in our hearts as Christ’s Ambassadors?

1) As workers, which are partners of Christ, we need to work together in unity. Work together (2 Cor 6:1) came from the Greek word sunergeō which means, to be a fellow worker, to cooperate, to work with. As ambassadors, we were sent by the same God for the same purpose. The ministry that we have is not a competition for greatness of ourselves. Everything we do is for the Glory of the same God we serve.

2) Do not receive the grace of God in vain (2 Cor 6:1). We should not take God’s gift lightly. It should show in our way of living how grateful we are for the gift God had given us. The reconciliation with God through Jesus. One of which is sharing the good news to others. Present time is the only proper season to accept God’s offer, while today is called today. God is imposing His ministers to share his word to unbelievers. “Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation.”

3) Live in a way that no one will stumble because of you or your actions. (2 Cor 6:3). We should not do anything that would stain our reputation with any spot of disgrace. Paul is a good example of Christ’s ambassador. He testified and mentioned his own experiences when he was persecuted. ( verses 4-10)

A. Patience. Patience is the regulation of the mind in times of adversity. Paul has evidently shown patience in times of afflictions. Having been imprisoned he didn’t lost his status as an ambassador of Christ. Fruits of the Holy Spirit were manifested during his suffering. He even saw it as an opportunity to share the gospel. To us Christians, patience is not just a virtue, it is a gift from God that we should treasure and live by.

B. Circumstances that is required for all servants of Christ
Although not all of us will experience being jailed of being physically wounded because of our devotion to Christ, there are things that an ambassador of Christ should posses. These things are works or labors, sincerity, knowledge, gentleness, love, the word of truth, the Spirit, the power of God and the armor of righteousness. The righteousness that we have comes from God alone, not from our own understanding. An ambassador of Christ should be well equipped and always ready to face a battle. He is vital part of God’s kingdom and so he is subject to enemy attacks.

4) Forbids intimate association with unbelievers (Verses 14 - 18).

The separation that Paul speaks of in these verses was not literally separating us from ungodly people as to avoid sin. How in the first place are we going to spread if we are going to live are lives in monasteries on mountains? Being not unequally yoked with unbelievers means we are not allowing ourselves to go with the same flow with them. We should not let ourselves be tainted with ungodly things if they do such. A Christian and an unbeliever can never have the same priorities in life. They may have some similarities in their objectives but never in their priorities.
Being separated from the world means being distinguished. As sons and daughters of the Lord, we should be identified as one. Sometimes we are even surprised that a fellow Christian is a co-worker, vice-versa. Separation from actions and virtue is what Paul meant. There’s a saying “Only dead fish go with the flow.” Believers are distinguished because we do not go with the flow of this world. The fishes cannot live the river and separate themselves from the dead fishes because the river is their habitat. The analogy is the same for us Christians living in this world.

When we accepted Christ as our lord and savior, it qualifies as to be his ambassadors. Being ambassadors came with a responsibility to spread His offer of reconciliation. (2 Cor 5:12-20)
Responsibilities and requirement for an ambassador of Christ: (2 Cor 6:1-18)

1. A blameless minister accounts for a blameless ministry.
2. Endurance on trial
3. Unselfish self-denial
4. A servant of Christ that has an appeal for greater love
5. Forbids intimate association with unbelievers and saints the temple of God.

An Ambassador of Christ is literally a representative of God’s Church. What a person sees in him should manifest what he represents. That’s why as Christians, as ministers, as ambassadors of Christ, we always be sure that everything we do gives glory to His name.

“Out of 100 men, one will read the Bible; the other 99 will read the Christian.”- D.L. Moody

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