What if I get promoted this year? What if I get a salary raise this year? What if I get a bonus this year? What if I win a million in the lottery? Would it bring me joy and happiness?
On the negative note, what if I get laid off? What if there will be no salary increase this year? What if I or one of the members of my household gets sick? Would it be the end of the road for me?
Dealing with the aforementioned “what ifs” is tantamount to putting your security to your economic standing or your finances. You may feel secure or insecure when you gain or lose financially.
Our economic standing is of course an important aspect of our living. However, most of us, especially those whose life is manipulated by those mentioned “what ifs” are putting their economic standing as the most, if not the only important aspect of their life.
When Jesus countered the enticement of the devil during His forty-days of fasting, it was shown that everything that pleases the physical is way less important than those that pertains to your soul and spirit. Is He not also teaching that we should lay up heavenly treasures as opposed to earthly treasures? For the former has eternal value while the latter will rot and be taken away by various circumstances.
In as much as God is teaching us to worry more on spiritual matters than material, He also is gracious enough to providing us the lessons. He gave us the Bible for our instructions and guide for righteous living.
The Bible is rich in practical lessons about personal finance that every Christian should learn and live by. Some of them, which I may have already included in my previous articles, are as follows: warning about the dangers of borrowing; prohibition about entering into a surety agreement; the blessing attached to cheerful giving or sharing of your wealth; the importance of budgeting and saving for the rainy days; living a life of contentment; and many other lessons, if you just devote a time unleashing the truth in them.
Continuing on with your faithful devotion of God’s word, will turn those “what ifs” to a sense of security over your future, no matter what. Your present and future will always be secure with God no matter what the economic situation may bring.
You can always count on God and nothing from this world. What if God is not in us, do can the world assure you of joy and fullness of your life?