Paul Wilbur Worship Conference
Friday, December 11, 2009The members of the P& W Team who were present at the event:
Bro. Don Joaquin - Music Ministry Head
Sis. Charry Contaoi - Dance Ministry Head
Bro. Paul Mojica - Song Leader
Bro. Lorex Contaoi - Drums
Bro. Manny Reyes - Keyboards
Bro. Robert Leonardo - Guitar
Bro. Noli Cesumicion - Sound Technician
"To Lend or Not To Lend" by: Bro. Malloy Cabahug
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Have you been approached by a brethren, a friend, or a relative and asking you "can you lend me a few bucks?" How have you reacted? What was your response?
This scenario is not uncommon to most, if not all of us. In most cases, this type of a scenario ends bitterly as relationship has now shifted to one being a slave to the other. (Proverbs 22:7)
The three common reasons I have observed why a brethren, a friend or a relative borrows:
- To pay-off a maturing obligation from credit cards, bank loan, or worst from loan sharks, while his or her cash will only be available in the next couple or so days.
- To augment the available fund use to pay an item he or she purchased that accordingly is a discount purchase of something he or she thinks a necessity (in most cases are stuff that one can live without like a cellphone) while his or her salary or loan application will not be released until the next couple or so days.
- To be used for a necessity, like an emergency that happens in a family such as, but not limited to purchase of medicine or for hospitalization.
However, you might consider another angle on this scenario. Have you not thought that in giving in with their request and lending them with your extra cash, you are just aggravating their problem.
The worst thing you would do is to borrow in order to lend to your friend. Or sign as a guarantor for your friend. But, these things will be discussed in a separate topic soon.
You may consider the following before lending your precious cash, again with the assumption that by doing so will not strain your own budget:
- You are not teaching him or her to get out of debt and manage his or her finances wisely. As you lend to someone to pay off the maturing debts, and once his or her cash is already available your money could either be paid back as promised or payment postponed. If the former case happens, well and good, but remember there will always be next time until the amount borrowed will gradually increase. If the latter case happens, just pray and be ready for the event that such indebtedness will be forgotten due to its continued postponement of payment. In short, you have not dealt the problem, which is the mismanagement of your brethren, friend or relative's finances, worst you have taught him or her to even get into trouble.
- If it is for purchase of a stuff, you are approving of his or her addiction to indiscriminate shopping. You are allowing him or her to purchase some luxurious items, that without it, he or she could still live. Instead, why not advise him or her the virtues of saving.
- As for the third, you may double check on the claim that the money being borrowed is really for a legitimate need. There are a lot of people who are just making up stories for them just to get what they wanted. Your cash. Granting it is a legitimate need as claimed it to be, then by all means, provide help and not a loan. Make sure that the help you will provide will not strain your budget, no more no less.
You may also remember this quote from William Shakespeare in his literary work Hamlet: "neither a borrower nor a lender be, for loan oft losses both itself and friend."
Nobody But You by Bro. Malloy Cabahug
Thursday, November 12, 2009Hmmm...for those who knew the song might have already been singing the tune. I can even sense someone is dancing while singing the tune. What comes to your mind upon reading the title might be the famous danceable song by a Korean girl group, wonder girls.
I may have been singing and dancing with this song the last couple of days with my daughters and in front of my wife. However, a deeper meaning of the phrase kept bugging me for the past week.
I have been consistent with my articles on personal finance every week for quite sometime now. It have been a fixture in the daily newsletter of our church, Word International Ministries - Al Ain (WIN-Al Ain). Some online friends had even featured some of my articles in their weblogs. And a number of personal messages I have been receiving are very encouraging to continue on to come up with more articles about personal finance.
My articles, as well as those of the famous authors and bloggers out there are very encouraging. There are even a lot of books and other multi media materials available out there that will fix your financial woes--that will, as they say, reveal the secrets to become rich and being debt free. But, mind you, these are all inutile if these are only read and not taken to heart.
Taking to heart all these materials available means that you should realize that an overhaul of oneself is necessary to make these materials effective.
This piece you are reading right now is especially addressed to those who are deeply in debt. You may have been seeking for somebody whom you could ask for help, in terms of advice or financial help. There are so many people who are willing to help, but their efforts to help will only aggravate your situation if you will not address the real problem, YOU; and not the lack of money.
I may sound so mean here. But, let me pose these questions:
- who caused you to be deeply in debt?
- who used that plastic money called credit card?
- who decided to buy a luxury car instead of an ordinary one that could still serve the same purpose?
- who bought those unecessary and expensive stuffs that is way beyond one's income?
- who went to some place as tourist using credit cards as the means of paying that luxurious vacation and having nothing in your account to payoff the bills after 45 days?
The real source of the problem is your attitude towards money and the way you spend it. Hence, there will be no amount of advice, tips and techniques on how to free from debt to take effect without first dealing your attitude.
If you are in debt right now and badly needs help, be it counseling or financing, or a combination of both, please humble yourself and accept the fact that the real problem is not your debts. Not your neighbor. Not your brethren.
Then who? Nobody, but YOU.
Ushering with Excellence
Col 3:23-24 (NIV)
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.
My family and I would like to congratulate Sis. Beth Montalla Miclat and the WIN – Al Ain Ushering Ministry for another successful year of faithful service to the Lord and His church on their 8th anniversary. God bless the work of your hands. The Father who sees you in secret will reward you openly.
This year, the ushers of this church has chosen for their theme, “USHERING WITH EXCELLENCE,” based on Colossians 3:23-24. It is their sincerest desire to serve the Lord with zeal and enthusiasm and not just going through the motions of ministry. I am blessed to be partners with them in the ministry for they represent the pastors and council leaders whenever they meet the people coming in to worship the Lord. My prayer for them is that they do their ministry with great joy so that the people will see and hear and put their trust in the Lord through their testimony and example.
If ever there is a need to describe the meaning of service, I will always point the Ushers as prime examples to illustrate this point. Though they meet people in church and guide them into the service yet their motivation is not just to serve men but to serve the Lord. Their service to the Lord is actually reflected in their service to the brethren. This is their calling and mission.
During our worship today I have chosen the song “ NOT TO US.” I dedicate this song not only to the Lord of the harvest but also to our ushers. The words of the song like:
“Equipping us to serve You”
“For humble acts of righteousness, We freely volunteer to do Your work”
“Father You have chosen the weak and the broken for these ones are the vessels through whom You command Your strength”
“Not to us but to You be all the praises Not to us but to the glory of Your grace”
“Not for us but for the honour of Your name”
totally reflect the hearts and lives of our ushers. They are truly “Ambassadors of Reconciliation.”
To serve with excellence is not perfection of actions done but the purity of motivation. Our motivation is to work for the Lord and not just being men-pleasers. If we please God first eventually we will also please men in the process. If so, then we can claim the promise of God’s word that we shall receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.
I encourage every believer to be a part of this great ministry. All you need today is a willing heart to serve the Lord. Expect a reward from Him although you may feel that people are not appreciating what you are doing. “It is the Lord Christ you are serving”
May the Lord bless all the servants of God!
Ps Edward, Sis. Marlene, David John and Sally Joy
Natural and Financial Calamities by: Bro. Malloy Cabahug
Monday, October 5, 2009Environmentalists say that this is the effect of global warming, or the result of man's wanton disregard to mother nature. Hence, these things are inevitable unless concerted efforts to take care of our planet is being implemented.
The Bible has foretold that these sort of things are bound to happen. This is what is commonly called the signs of the end times. The inevitable coming of back of Jesus. Yes, these calamities had happened long ago, but if you come to think of the frequency of the happening of one calamity over the other has become closer compared to decades or centuries ago.
In as much as these natural calamities are being foretold in the Bible, this Holy Book that I personally believe as the Word of God has also foretold of what will happen to a man should you not obey it. Obedience in all its teachings, including the wise and practical handling of the resources that God entrusted you and me.
The Bible is so rich in practical lessons on how you and I would steward the resources that God entrusted us. The Bible says that if you just obey you will not borrow, but instead you will lend. On the other hand, disobedience will result in you borrowing and going lower and lower in status. Obedience results to financial independence and disobedience results to bondage to debts. (Deuteronomy 28: 1-2, 12, 15, & 43-56)
Stewardship is the name of the game that God wants you and me to play perfectly well. The misconception of the many lies in the fact that God requires us to give the tithes (10%) of what we are earning. If we are faithful to do this, the windows of heaven will rain blessings on us that we can hardly contain.
Nevertheless, it has been observed that there were a number of faithful givers who are still struggling with their finances. I am not surprised by this fact, it has also been observed that as they are faithful with the 10%, they may have been spending in reckless abandon the remaining 90% of their income. Now which one has the bigger share of the pie of the resources God has entrusted us?
Does not God also commanded us to be content? As Paul wrote in his pastoral letter to Timothy (1 Tim 6:6) that godliness with contentment is great gain. In so many passages in the Bible, God has warned us of spending too much and incurring useless indebtedness.
A stern warning: upon learning that the flood of maturing bills has started to rise to knee deep and that the rain of your spending still continues to pour down on you, please go to higher grounds. Seek counsel before God and a financial counselor, be humble, and start to heed God's word before the waters will reach to your neck and its current could wash you away from your spiritual freedom.
God bless everyone!!!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
By the grace of the ALMIGHTY GOD, the Ladies Ministry of this Church had a wonderful week-end retreat in Dibba, Oman.
Indeed, each & every lady has her own story & experience to tell. GOD moved mightily in the lives of all the ladies, & HE unfolds the greatest gift He had in store for us all.
I, myself as God’s worker was overwhelmed how He met our needs, desiring to be with HIM in an intimate way, we received great healing, revival & breakthrough in our Spirit. Again GOD has given us a chance to experience His powerful presence in our lives.
GOD has made a way for the retreat to be treasures that we will keep for the rest of our lives. Indeed when you empty your hearts to HIM, he will fill it up to the fullest, refreshed, renewed & revived. If you really longing to seek the face of GOD, he will show you great & mighty things, he will meet your needs more than what you ask &/or think of.
GOD uses man & woman of faith that was really a blessing for the Ladies; We thank GOD for the lives of Ptr. Peter & Sis. Dory Dulnuan & family for sharing the great WORD of GOD.
We’ve learned new things GOD revealed to us in Ecclesiastes, that there is time for everything, our lives is going thru seasons of preparation, waiting & harvesting. That all of us are just like jars that keep the treasures in our hearts, in 2nd Corinthians. The treasure is JESUS CHRIST…we, as his children are the jars.
The reward is, though our body crushed everyday our Spirit within renewed daily, we will continue on because GOD’S grace & mercy abounds in us. His love surpasses everything. Trials & temptations are all around us.., BUT we have the weapon to overcome & be victorious because GOD is with us.
From my heart, I would like to CONGRATULATE ALL THE LADIES who contributed to the success of the retreat, those who responded to the call of GOD & those who poured out their hearts to HIM.
In behalf of the ladies, we would like to express our gratitude to the leaders of the church, Ptr. Edward & family, Ptr. Audie & family, & to the Council members who really supported us, for their love & prayers to all of the ladies.
Sis. Jas Santos
Buraimi Outreach Program
Thursday, May 28, 2009In line with our church theme for this year which is “Let us go on to maturity”, Word International Al – Ain continues it’s commitment to bring God’s word to the nations and hope to our dying world. In this issue we highlight one of WIN - Al Ain’s small group, the Buraimi Outreach, and discover how God has used the lives of our brethren to extend His work even in Oman and win souls for Him. We thank Bro. Don Joaquin and Bro. Ruel Cabusas for taking some time to share to us how God is working in Buraimi.
How and when did the Buraimi outreach started?
Bro. Don: It all started when my brother in law Bro. Eugene stayed in Buraimi for the first time to renew his visit visa. Before going to Buraimi, Bro. Eugene had just accepted the Lord during our regular worship service with our then special guest speaker Ptr. James Lottering. With passion and excitement to know about the Lord, he continued to become active by attending our regular small group, the Khabisi Group and he started testifying that the Lord is indeed real, alive and good. To make the story short, his eagerness to seek and know the Lord continued in Buraimi as he went for his exit last December 2008.Through that situation, Bro. Eugene together with a Christian couple who were also in Buraimi to renew their visa and whom he considered like parents and with some other stranded friends, came together to spend some time fellowshipping together for almost everyday.
Where did the inspiration to start an outreach in Buraimi come from?
Bro. Don: It all started in our small group, together with Bro. Ruel, Bro. Roosevelt and Sis. Martha. Because of the situation that we've seen when me and my wife Sis. Julie visited Bro. Eugene to supply him with some foods in Buraimi, we felt the need of our kababayans not only for the material things but most especially for their spiritual need. They need Jesus more than anything else. I've shared this to our small group and we felt the burden to share God’s good news to them. We first prayed and declared Buraimi as for Christ before we went to bring our regular Bible study there instead of having it in Al Ain, just to have a change of ambiance.
Bro. Ruel: At first our group's intention was only to visit Bro. Eugene in Buraimi. But God has placed in our hearts the burden of starting a Bible study after we have seen their pitiful situation. They were confined in one small hotel room that probably measured 2 x 3 meters receiving room and a small bedroom. There were around 8 persons in that room. After hearing their testimonies and cries, our desire to reach them out increased.
Bro. Don: And by God's grace, our first Bible study in Buraimi which was conducted inside a small room in a hotel was a breakthrough. Six souls accepted Christ....and this was the start of God's mighty touch until now.
Bro. Ruel: We decided to visit them regularly to conduct a Bible study and bring whatever food or anything that our small group has contributed. We also invited Pastor Edward and Sis. Marlene to join us and personally see the situation.
Can you please give us some testimonies of how the Lord has blessed the outreach in Buraimi and how it has helped change the lives of the people you have encountered there.
Bro. Ruel: In the last 2 or 3 months since the Buraimi Outreach started, many lost souls have accepted Jesus Christ and many sinners had repented. Most of them were victims of illegal recruitment and broken promises by their employers. Some of them have stayed in Buraimi for months and still hoping to find a job here in UAE or in Oman. Some have been forced to become a prostitute just to earn money for their food and for their hotel rental. You will really see in their eyes the tears of desperation, pain, frustrations, hopelessness and many other negative emotions that you can name. After we shared the situation in Buraimi and though our church prayers, some of our small groups gave their support. The YA's brought boxes of gifts during Christmas and they witnessed to those who came to the Lord that night. The Khabisi Small Group with Sis. Bing also went to visit them and brought some food and they had a chance to talk to some of the people there as well. We have raised some amount also for the plane ticket of one of the longest stranded mother with her 3 kids who was also from the hometown of Sis. Thelma in the Philippines. We gave them as well some financial help for their transport and pasalubong for their kids. All of our prayers were answered by our God by sending them all out of Buraimi. Some of them were sent back home to the Philippines, some in Dubai and some are now happily working in Oman. We heard news that some of them are now regular church goers but some stopped communicating to us. But I believe the important thing is that we responded to God's calling and we obeyed Him by sowing seeds in their lives. I know that wherever they are they will always remember their experience in Buraimi and they have felt the love of God through our church.
So far, how has the Buraimi Outreach progressed?
Bro. Ruel: Our outreach stopped for a while until Sis. Janice who went to Buraimi for her exit to renew her visa came to our knowledge. We again organized a trip there and informed her that we are coming and will conduct a Bible study. This happened on May 8, 2009. Again we met many stranded Filipinos and some of them are among the 137 drivers who were promised jobs in Dubai. They were also in tears when they shared that their debts are now almost half a million due to high interest rates. On our second visit last Friday, we were amazed because they were happy even though they were in the midst of this situation. They said that they are very thankful despite of what happened to them because if not for it they will not probably come to know Jesus Christ and have a serious relationship with Him. And the great thing that God has done in that place, He touched the heart of Ms. Divina, the hotel manager and she is now regularly giving us a room for our Friday Bible study/fellowship in that hotel for free, all for God's Glory! Our church plans to get a place in order for us to have an office and a place where we can bring our attendees is now being provided for free. Let's us only pray that this arrangement will continue.

Included in the photos are Bro. Ruel, Bro. Jun, Sis. Martha, Sis. Rose, Sis. Janiz and Sis. Thelma
How can you encourage our brethren to take part in this outreach?
Bro. Ruel: First we are asking for your prayers that God may send more workers to conduct Bible studies and lead the singing/worship as we can't do this all alone. If God is touching you to give something like food, noodles, rice, toiletries, or anything that you think will be a blessing, we are most willing to transport it to them. We are not encouraging money because they are baby Christians, and they might use it for something that is not pleasing to the Lord not unless their problems are for the hotel's rental, visa or plane tickets.
Thank you our brothers and sisters! Just remember, God has blessed us to become a blessing to others as well.
Lastly, I encourage everyone in our church to be part of the outreach if you can come and visit them in Buraimi for you to personally see their situation.
May God be glorified for all of these. Our reward is in heaven.
Tuesday, April 21, 20091 Cor 9:24-27 (NKJV)
Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. 26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.
My family and I would like to congratulate Sis. Leonor Fernandez and WIN – Al Ain Youth Ministry on their very first anniversary. May the Lord mature all our youth into Christ likeness for service to the next generation church! God bless the youth!
The youth ministry of our church has been with us ever since the beginning. However it has not been formally recognized officially as a separate ministry until last year. This is due to the fact that the youth and children were both under the WIN – Al Ain Children’s Ministry under the guidance of our dear Sis. Rina Cañas who had moved on with her family to WIN-Surrey in Vancouver, Canada. Two workers were under her: Sis. Tereh Diaz who handles the children and Sis. Leonor Fernandez who handles the youth. The youth and children celebrated their ministry anniversary together for the last 10 years. When Sis. Rina moved on, the two leaders were appointed unto their own separate ministry.
This year we are now recognizing the Youth Ministry officially as separate from the Children’s Ministry under the care and guidance of Sis. Leonor while the Children’s Ministry is under the care of Sis. Tereh Diaz. This move is consistent with our National Board Ministry setup for the entire UAE.
The WIN – Al Ain Youth Ministry has chosen for their theme “RUN TO WIN.” (in line with our church Annual theme of “LET US GO ON TO MATURITY”).
The Youth of today is filled with energy and creativity. They are a new generation of believers who would try new things the older generation has never thought of. They are the frontliners when it comes to technology, innovation and invention. They come up with new ideas. We can hardly keep up with them.
They wisely chose the theme “RUN TO WIN.” They are aware that we are supposed to run to win and not just run fast. Many people today become so fast and so furious that they have forgotten to win the prize. Activities have become a goal in itself. Many youth would go for church activities as an end rather that a means to obtain the prize. The prize is “MATURITY.”
We need to guide their energy to become productive members of the church. I have known a lot of youth who always attend church activities but never matured spiritually. They never grow into the WORD of God nor did they grow to pray and worship. Sure they can look and sound spiritual in concerts, camps and special events. But how about in their homes and schools and communities? We must challenge them to become like Christ in their lives whether in church or outside. We must teach them the real essence of Christianity much more than learning Bible verses or doctrines. We must instruct them to become disciples of Jesus to affect the world around them with their living testimonies of transformed lives.
The Youth today belongs to the age that is now the constant focus of the enemy to destroy them with temptations to drugs, alcohol, premarital sex, and new age teachings. The devil knows that these youth are capable of doing great and mighty things for the glory of God. Satan therefore is trying to divert their attentions from reaching the purposes of God in their lives by enticing them to run after worldly trivial pursuits. Since they are still young in the ways of the world, the devil finds it easy to pull them down into committing sin. Unfortunately, there have been a lot of spiritual casualties.
Unless we guide, train, and pray for them, we will lose the battle. If we encourage them to run the race to win, we will win the war. Running is not the goal, winning is! All our efforts must produce the fruit of righteousness in their lives and thus produce an army of evangelists ready to share the Gospel with thousand of souls saved as the result.
May the youth of our church take up the challenge of discipline and devotion unto the Lord Jesus Christ. May they rise up in true worship, prayer and obedience to the Word. May they discover the true life in the Spirit so they will not give in to the lust of the flesh. May they be filled with the Holy Ghost and do great things for the glory of the Father and His kingdom here on earth. May they run the race to WIN!
God bless the Youth Ministry with His power and glory!
Monday, January 26, 2009Luke 2:52 (The Message Bible)
And Jesus matured, growing up in both body and spirit, blessed by both God and people.
My family and I would like to congratulate Sis. Tereh Diaz and the Friday School teachers a blessed WIN – Al Ain Children’s Ministry 10th year Anniversary. May the Lord reward all of you richly in Christ Jesus!
The children’s ministry is very essential in any church or ministry. In them we plant the seeds of faith that will give them hope for today and for the future. We salute every Friday school teacher who has given his or her time with the children. It is never easy to teach young children the way of the Lord. They require great patience, care and love for these little ones if they were to grow spiritually.
My prayer is that the children of this church would grow up to maturity unto the full stature of Christ. This will require teachers as well as all members of Christ’s body to accomplish this monumental task. We thank all of those who have given us support for the last 10 years for the benefit of the children.
Eph 4:11-16 (NKJV)
And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, 12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that we should no longer be children (that is, not to be childish in behavior, but with childlike faith- note mine), tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head--Christ-- 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.
This year our annual Church theme is “LET US GO ON TO MATURITY” (Heb 6:1).
The challenge for us adults is to be very mature in our Christian faith. By this we mean that we should be children themselves to minister to them. In the Bible, children are considered blessed by God because of their purity and innocence. Jesus challenged the disciples to be children themselves if they want to enter the Kingdom of God:
Luke 18:15-17 (NKJV)
Then they also brought infants to Him that He might touch them; but when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called them to Him and said, "Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of God. 17 "Assuredly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will by no means enter it."
This is the mystery of the Kingdom of God. To be mature in faith is to be childlike in God’s eyes. The disciples in this passage were adults acting like immature children by rebuking the parents who wanted their infants to be touched by Jesus.
When Jesus was just twelve years of age, he was acting more mature and adult-like while in the temple teaching. Though he was a child, he was actually very mature beyond his years by declaring that He was doing His heavenly Father’s business.
Luke 2:46-49 (NKJV)
Now so it was that after three days they found Him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to them and asking them questions. 47 And all who heard Him were astonished at His understanding and answers. 48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, "Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously." 49 And He said to them, "Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father's business?"
If we are going to be mature like Jesus, let us also declare that we are doing the Father’s will in our lives. Are we moving in His will? If we are pre-occupied with our own business and not God’s, then we are still immature. By this time we ought to be teachers ourselves (Hebrew 5:12).
Finally, brethren, let us well heed the words of Christ:
Matt 18:1-6 (NKJV)
1 At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, "Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" 2 Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, 3 and said, "Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 "Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5 "Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.
6 "But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.
Such is the Father’s love to little children that whoever causes them to sin is worthy of death! Let us therefore fear God and love our children and become like them in spirit. Let us become teachable as children so we can teach them as well how to live. Let us humble ourselves knowing that it is not our age, knowledge or strength that enabled us to enter heaven but by receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior with faith in our hearts. This is a gift from God, not of works. (Eph 2:8, 9). John tells us that Jesus gave us the right to become children and it was never our right to be so!
John 1:12-13 (NKJV)
But as many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
God bless the children of God in Christ!
Pastor Edward
WIN - Al Ain